Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contract Law Degree Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contract Law Degree - Case Study Example The case is similar to that of Bad Wound v. Lakota Community Homes, Inc., 1999 SD 165, 9, 603 NW2d 723, 725 Rupert has full right to demand Herbert to settle the payment as per the terms of contract. Rupert has fulfilled all provisions of the contract to the full satisfaction of Herbert.As such Rupert has not violated the terms of contract and has fully satisfied the clauses of the contract. Hubert has evidently declared that Rupert has satisfied the terms and is content with the work he has done. So, Rupert has the full right to demand the actual cost with a 10% of deduction. If Hubert fails to give the remaining 15% of the costof the listed items Rupert can very well move the court demanding the same.The court will direct Hubert to pay him the remaining amount with or without bank interest. Rupert must move the court for claiming the amount unpaid by Hubert. The law of tort is regarded as a legal injury. It establishes the situations under which an individual might be held legally responsible for another's injury as a result of either deliberate acts or accidents. Consequently, on these grounds, in England, the traits were first established by the principles of Roman law several centuries ago. This legal system of domestically dealing with assault and battery was based on nominate torts. Nominate tort is a sharp contrast to the open Continental approach to tortuous liability. Thus, to constitute a tort the following conditions have to be satisfied: The wrong doer must have committed some omission on his/her part. Such acts or omissions on the part of the wrong doer must result in violation of legal rights of the aggrieved. Torts can be categorized into three groups. They are: 1. Intentional torts (e.g., deliberately harming a person); 2. Negligent torts (inducing an accident by not obeying traffic rules); and 3. Strict liability torts (e.g., liability for being aware of the defects in making and selling the products). The Law of Tort with regard to negligence is being examined in this essay. Negligence The law of negligence was originated in a court case Donahue v Stephenson (1932) in which a woman named Donahue suffered from gastro-enteritis after drinking ginger beer from a bottle which contained a dead snail. She took legal action for damages for personal injury. The judge who heard the case was Lord Atkins, and he ruled for the first time ever, that the manufacturer of the ginger beer had a 'duty of care' for the safety and well being of Donahue, notwithstanding that it was her friend who had actually bought the bottle, and in allowing a snail to remain in the bottle of ginger beer, the manufacturer had been negligent. The scope of the duty of care in negligence was defined by Lord Atkins in this case. He found: "You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbor. Who, then, in law, is my neighbor The answer seems to be persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question." Breach of the duty of care was best conceived and summed up in Blyth v Birmingham

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