Tuesday, May 5, 2020

German shepherds free essay sample

?In this story you will learn all about German shepherds and their life style. German shepherds are police dogs because they are large, strong, have a great sense of smell, fast, strong teeth to bite, loyal, brave, intelligent, and a hard working breed. A couple facts about German shepherds and there grooming are German shepherd dogs have a double coat. The outer layer is straight, harsh and waterproof and the undercoat is soft and dense. The outer coat sheds throughout the year. Within the German shepherd breed, there are three different types of coats, the double coat, the plush coat, and the longhaired coat. All of these coat types appear fairly frequently. The correct double coat consists of a downy undercoat with an outer layer of longer, coarse guard hairs. Light rain does not penetrate the guard hairs easily and mud tends to dry and fall out of the double coat. This coat doesn’t need extensive care, but a weekly brushing keeps shedding manageable. Regardless, the coat does shed in spring and fall. Plush coats are slightly longer, and, as the name implies, are plusher in look and feel. Longhaired coats may have an undercoat and tend to be very soft. The silky, longhaired coats require more care to prevent tangling. The longhaired coat can be quite beautiful. Despite its exotic look, this coat is not rare or worth more money. German shepherd puppies have a fuzzy coat that will shed and be replaced by an adult coat around the age of four months. Additionally, you can expect that the adult shepherd will shed heavily twice a year, in the spring and again in the fall, although the exact time depends upon your climate and the German shepherd’s living conditions. During seasons when shedding is low, shepherds with a double coat will require only a weekly brushing to maintain a clean, smooth coat. Longhaired German Shepherds should be brushed on a daily basis. German shepherds have bad hips. There condition is called hip Dysplasia also known as (Hip Deformity) German Shepherds with Hip Dysplasia will start hopping with their back legs when walking, and they will show signs of soreness when they lie down, especially after exercise. German shepherd dogs need to be taken on a daily walk, jog or run. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dogs mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. Most shepherds love to play ball or Frisbee. Ten to fifteen minutes of fetching along with daily pack walks will tire your dog out quite nicely as well as give him a sense of purpose. Whether it is ball chasing, Frisbee catching, obedience training, or just taking long walks/jogs, you must be willing to provide some form of daily exercise. The costs of German shepherds is you can get one free from a newspaper ad, about $25 from a public shelter, $75-100 from a private shelter, $150-$200 from a rescue home. German shepherds can also cost around $600. 00 depends on their color age size gender and other. The sizes of German shepherd males can stand 24 to 26 inches the female stand 22 to 24 inches. There weight ranges from 75 to 95 pounds. The color of German shepherd dogs come in a variety of colors, coat patterns and coat types. Coat patterns are solid bi color, stable, and sometimes saddleback. The colors are black, black/blue, silver/white, tan, yellow/golden, red/brown, and brown. Solid pattern dog have a coat that is only one color. White is a masking color and goes/paints over other coat patterns and colors. Whit dogs can genetically be solid, bi color, saddleback, or stable. In the bi color pattern the body is primarily black with a small amount of secondary color under the tail, on the paws and sometimes as eyebrows. They also have black penciling on their toes. The color combinations could be black and silver, black and cream, black and tan, black and red, blue and silver, blue and cream, blue and tan, blue and red, silver and cream, silver and tan, silver and red, golden and black, golden and blue, golden and red and more. The German shepherd dog is a muscular working dog with a high energy level and a hearty appetite. To prevent obesity and to help avoid some hereditary health problems that occur in the breed, provide your dog plenty of exercise and feed them a high-quality diet. Look for ingredients that help to maintain a healthy coat and that are easy to digest. This will help to prevent gastrointestinal upset and ensure that your German shepherd dog properly metabolizes the vitamins and minerals in the food. Given the proper amount or exercise, German shepherds should stay fit and trim. Dogs who are overfed, or who don’t get the exercise that they need, can become obese. If you can’t feel your dog’s ribs, the dog is over weight. To decrease dogs caloric intake without making the dog feel hungry add healthy vegetables to a reduced portion of you dog’s normal food everyday. Some German shepherd dogs may be at risk of conditions that lead to the improper absorption of nutrients from their food. These conditions include exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and small-intestine disease, both of which can cause weight loss, even as your dog shows an increased appetite, according to The Merck Veterinary Manual. If you notice that your German shepherd has lost weight but appears to be eating normally, consult with your veterinarian to see if a health condition such as EPI, small-intestine disease, or some other health issue could be the cause. Part of the treatment for these conditions is a diet that is low in fiber and fat, and that contains a high-quality, unusual protein such as venison or lamb as the primary ingredient. EPI or small-intestine disease diets also contain highly digestible carbohydrates, such as rice or potato. Your veterinarian, who will monitor the results and determine whether they are effective for your German shepherd dog, should oversee such diets.

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